#18 - Restoring Wetlands to Climate Coolers with Kuno Kasak

Kuno Kasak Beyond BAFF podcast

This Beyond BAFF podcast episode features Kuno Kasak, an Estonian environmental researcher. Kuno is a Professor in Environmental Technology at the Department of Geography, University of Tartu. 

During the recording of this episode, he is actually temporarily back in the US, working at the University of California, Berkeley, as a Visiting Professor through The Fulbright Program. He is currently conducting research at the Biometeorology Lab focusing on wetlands methane flux dynamics. 

Join us as we delve into the research of a prominent scientist focused on restoring damaged wetlands. We talk about the origins of his PhD studies in wastewater treatment and his current work on greenhouse gas fluxes and ecological systems, this episode explores the intricate planning, challenges, and collaborative efforts involved in wetland restoration. Learn about significant projects in California, the differences in restoration approaches across climates, the importance of community engagement, and groundbreaking findings that could shape future climate mitigation strategies. 

At the podcast, we talk about: 

  • Kuno’s background and PhD Journey 

  • Importance of wetlands in climate change 

  • Challenges and solutions in wetland restoration

  • Research in the US and California wetlands

  • Scientific curiosity and career development 

  • Future of wetland research and personal insights.

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