Stories of impactful change by scientists and researchers. Change that begins with the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation, but continues to expand above any limits, industry rules, groups of people or even countries.
Beyond BAFF Podcast explores the most important developments and challenges in various fields of research with some of the brightest minds in the Baltics. From science and technology to social sciences and humanities, our guests will share their fascinating stories about their BAFF scholarship as well as their current cutting-edge research.
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#21 - Shaping Careers, Shaping Future with Zane Culkstena
Zane Culkstena is a Latvian researcher from the data-based career education field. Zane is the founder of ERDA, a consultancy firm that specializes in employer branding and organizational development. As someone with dual interests, Zane’s entrepreneurial spirit has also led her to found and currently chair Kim? Contemporary Art Center, which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting contemporary art in Latvia.
#06 - Kalev Kaarna: From researcher to a startup superangel
After his Research Shcholarship with BAFF, Kalev Kaarna immersed himself fully into business, entrepreneurship, and the startup field. Listen to his insights to why many start-ups fail, how that can be avoided and what’s the key to venture capital.
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